Technical information

What We Do

Our Services

Files are accepted in those formats

  • Illustrator (EPS, Al) CDR (v.9-17), in this case all fonts must be changed to curve (outlines, curves).
  • Open layouts in layout programs (InDesign, QuarkXpress) are not accepted, as well as any other open layouts with fonts not converted to curves (outlines, curves).
  • Files created in Microsoft Office programs (or similar) are NOT layouts, and are transferred for processing to the design bureau of the printing house.

To create a valid PDF file for printing when exporting (or saving in Adobe Illustrator), select the PDF Press Quality setting and make minor adjustments see pictures based on Adobe Illustrator (in other Adobe programs they are almost the same)

Recommendations for preparing files


  • Layout must be done in Adobe Indesign or QuarkXpress;
  • The format of the document in the layout file must be equal to the edging format of the product;
  • All colors, with the exception of additional ink passes, must be in the CMYK model, all unused colors must be removed from the document;
  • The scale of all "drawn in" images in graphics windows should be ~100%;
  • Multi-page publications must be laid out in sheets, manual impositions will not be accepted.

Vector graphics

  • All colors, with the exception of additional runs, must be in the CMYK model
  • The fonts used in these illustrations must be converted to outlines

Raster graphics

  • Raster images are accepted in CMYK TIFF and CMYK EPS formats; Photoshop PDF
  • Files must not be compressed
  • The resolution of raster images is recommended to be proportional to the raster lines (from one and a half to two lines). That is, a 100% image must have a resolution of 225-350 dpi
  • Monochrome images are accepted in TIFF (EPS) Grayscale or Bitmap format, with a resolution of at least 600 dpi for Bitmap

When preparing files for output it is necessary

  • check the correctness of trapping and overprints;
  • set the allowance for cutting and punching for images printed under the bleed: for cutting - at least 3 mm, for punching - at least 5 mm, for multi-strip brochures that are stapled, the allowance must be at least 5 mm;
  • in a glued multi-page product (magazine, paperback book) on the first and last pages, as well as on the inside covers, significant elements of the image should not be closer than 8 mm to the inside of the product;
  • such image elements as text and frames should not be located on the product closer than 3 mm to the cutting line and 4 mm to the cutting;
  • total ink transfer (the sum of the percentages of CMYK) should not exceed 300%.

For cutting work, the following information must be provided

  • overall dimensions of the product and/or overall dimensions of attachments
  • product material and/or recommendations for its selection (for example, the weight of the attachment, the presence of cut-out elements, inserts and other details)
  • a schematic diagram of the product and/or a description of the main user properties of the design
  • specific design requirements for the structure

The provided files must be accompanied by a paper printout indicating the layout and output parameters required for this work

  • dimensions of the document and its individual elements;
  • output colors (triad percentages or Pantone numbers).

We have made a FTP server for you to make sending works easier

You can place your layouts here:

User: pub
Password: print

Other file hosting services that suitable for you are suitable for us as well.

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